If you have an event you would like to add to the calendar, email us at alaskatriathlonclub@gmail.com
The 2014 Alaska State Triathlon Championship has been cancelled. See the link below for details.
Race Format: 500yd pool swim, 10 mle bike, 5k trail run
Kids race available, see website for details.
Race Format: 6 mile bike, 5k run, 500yd pool swim (time stops after run and restarts when you start the swim).
Race Format:
Sprint: 500yd pool swim, 10 mile bike, 5k trail run
Intermediate: 1000yd pool swim, 20 mile bike, 10k trail run
Kids race available, see website for details.
Olympic distance road triathlon in North Pole, Alaska.
See race website for details: http://northpoletri.weebly.com/
Offroad triathlon and duathlon at Kincaid Park
Race Format:
Triathlon: 800yd lake swim, 12.5 mile mountain bike, 4 mile trail run
Duathlon: 2 mile trail run, 12.5 mile mountain bike, 4 mile trail run